Ramamurthy "Rampi" Ramprasad

Curriculum Vitae
Presentations and Publications
Ever wondered how the Cu ions in Cu-exchanged zeolites catalyse NO decomposition?
Well, here is a sneak preview!
The first step, and the second step; here is another version of the second step.
The green sphere is Cu, the red spheres are N, and the blue spheres are O.
If you are itching to find out more about the decomposition mechanism,
you've got to see my doctoral thesis: Density Functional Study of NO decomposition
with Cu-exchanged zeolites
my attempts at art

Ramamurthy `Rampi' Ramprasad
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of New Mexico
800 Yale Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: (505) 277 8482 (O), (505) 237 0945 (H)

Questions? Comments? e-mail: rampi@unm.edu

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